How To Fail Spectacularly Until You Succeed Predictably

March 8, 2024

I once went 0 for 60 on enrollment calls for my coaching program. Here’s what I learned about becoming an entrepreneur…

But first, two very important things to know:

  1. This was over 8 years ago, so even 0 wins out of 60 attempts isn’t failure as a small business service provider, nor is it the end of the line.
  2. This happened after the most successful month I’d had in my business to date, so I wasn’t a novice trying for beginner’s luck. 

Still, at one point in my entrepreneurial journey, I talked to 60 people in a row and they all said “No.”

What I realized as a result was that I was a victim of my own subconscious limiting beliefs.

Once I hit a sales number I hadn’t previously thought possible for me, my saboteur kicked in with its greatest hits like:

“There’s no way you can keep this streak going.”

“That’s way too much money for you to earn.”

“It’s a fluke, you can’t rely on being this successful every month so you better enjoy it while it lasts.”

“Even if you keep earning money, you’ll lose it all or people will try to take it from you.”

I had also just raised my prices, so although I was on board with asking for the new amount, I didn’t fully believe I deserved it.

And so even though I was speaking to and serving lots of amazing people on these calls, my enrollment was zip, zero, zilch.

So when I talk to entrepreneurs now – clients and friends alike – and they say “Oh, but it’s easy for you because you like selling,” I laugh long and loudly. 

Who in their right mind LIKES hearing “No” 60 times in a row?!

What helped me bounce back and get my business back on track for the last 8 years of course included putting better business and marketing strategies in place:

  • I had to find the right people; although I was talking to people who needed my help, many of them were not the right fit for my program.
  • I had to focus on attracting traffic from the right people by tweaking my messaging, ads, and lead magnets.
  • I had to make sure I was offering the right people the right solution and fully communicating the value of it for them, which was the hardest and most important fix during my slump.

What’s MORE important is that the inner beliefs and outer behaviors I was exhibiting both during my losing streak and when I finally got myself back on the board… 

Are the EXACT SAME for every growth process and transformation.

The reasons I was striking out in sales as an entrepreneur:

  • I was afraid of failure
  • I was afraid of rejection
  • I was afraid of talking about money
  • I didn’t want to seem needy 
  • My understanding of the mechanics didn’t align with my personal values 

The reasons I uncover when I talk to people who feel stagnant in their careers, don’t ask for promotions, and undercharge for their products and services:

  • They’re afraid of failure
  • They’re  afraid of rejection
  • They’re afraid of talking about money
  • They don’t want to seem needy 
  • Their understanding of the mechanics doesn’t align with their personal values

The reasons hundreds of people I’ve talked to previously failed at getting in shape and prioritizing their health:

  • They’re afraid of failure
  • They’re  afraid of rejection and not belonging
  • They’re afraid of what it will cost them and what they’d have to give up to really go for it
  • They don’t want to seem like they have a problem or really need help 
  • Their understanding of the mechanics doesn’t align with their personal values 

So my BIG takeaway from this experience was not the messaging, marketing, and digital selling strategies I’ve studied and clarified over time for myself and for the inspiring entrepreneurs I work with in my Fearless Founders Lab program for small business owners who are ready to take and scale their businesses to the next level.

It was the understanding that what seems like failure while you’re going through it IS the work.

If you ask the universe or whatever higher power you rely on to seed your dream and bring you success, it’s going to ALSO bring you the conditions and circumstances you need to work through all of your inner obstacles, habits, and gaps blocking you from turning your vision into reality and your effort into victory.

I’m reminded of the fact that actor Vin Diesel recounts going to 99 auditions and hearing no 99 times in a row before ever booking a part in a film. 

Now, he heads one of the most commercially successful film franchises of all time.

What he needed to learn about acting, auditioning, and marketing himself to eventually head the seventh-highest grossing film series of all time is a function of what he learned by going back after the 96th, 97th, and 98th times hearing, “Thank you for your time.”

My experience working through those 60 calls was about test-driving the transformational process at the foundation of my coaching programs now:


This 3-step framework, the core for my PEAK Living programs, helps high achievers:

  • Work on building the self-belief and dismantling the limiting influences of imposter syndrome 
  • Bolster the confidence to persevere through tough challenges long enough to learn the skills and build the resilience necessary to continue towards big goals despite setbacks
  • Take action on effective strategies with fewer inner obstacles to reach new heights in your health, career, relationships, and business.

It’s simple, but the simplicity is what works to get to the heart of what’s holding you back from the success and fulfillment you desire, are fully capable of, and deserve.

Where is your belief, confidence, and/or lack of or misapplied action holding you back from leveling up into the next stage of your best life?

And what are you willing to do to turn it around today?

Stay fearless.

CC 💕

Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Sign up for my free mini-course for high achievers who are ready to go from surviving to thriving. This two-part course reveals the 3 secrets that high achievers who are ready to level up use to clear the hidden patterns keeping them in survival mode and build a life of joy, ease, and satisfaction. 

2. Book a PEAK Launch Call to uncover your magic so you can live out your PEAK potential and crush your goals for your health, confidence, and success. The call is complimentary and full of value, so come ready for clarity and be prepared to take action on behalf of your best life yet.

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