When top performers are ready to feel successful in life and not just look it on paper, there are 4 types of future outcomes they desire.
Even though my client was a PhD with a successful government career in her late 50s, she knew she was missing a sense of confidence and boldness that would round out her success story.
By the end of our coaching engagement, she:
- Had lost 20+ lbs
- Could squat her body weight
- Carried herself with more assurance and grace
- Fit into clothing sizes she hadn’t seen in decades
- Started dating again
- Launched her own practice for more money, time freedom, and well-being
Because there’s the successful life…
And then there’s the fulfilling one.
The one where you’re hitting on all cylinders and realizing your full potential.
To do that, your goals have to look different than just the ones that check off the boxes of the life you’re “supposed” to create.
They need to better reflect the life you want to live and enjoy.
These are the 4 types of goals that help high achievers upgrade into a more thriving life and redefine their success:
1. Completion Goals
These are goals that close the loop on a progressively successful life.
They usually address the one (maybe two) area where high achievers feel like their sense of accomplishment remains outstanding.
For some, that is taking control of their physical health and making better lifestyle choices.
For others, that means intentionally meeting a life partner and forming a committed relationship.
For many, it often means reconnecting to parts of themselves they abandoned on the way to the version of success they have now.
Creative talents, entrepreneurial dreams, and travel adventures that got pushed to the side often reemerge as completion goals that, when pursued and conquered, exponentially increase a sense of well-being and satisfaction.
2. Expansion Goals
These are goals that broaden your perception of who you are and what you’re willing to do or try.
Expansion goals challenge the identity you create in the absence of exploration of the existing alternatives.
Ever wonder why foodies are so fanatical about their food adventures?
That’s because the type of exploration they regularly engage in satisfies their need for expansive experiences.
Expansion goals help you discover new things and, in that discovery, new parts of yourself that add dimension and color to your life.
3. Resonance Goals
These are goals that create alignment between your values and the way you live.
Prioritizing resonance in your decision-making and future casting is a way of seeding a more harmonious, less stress and anxiety filled life that feels inherently more joyful.
You may be faced with the choice of a position in the office with a faster climb up the career ladder…
Or a remote position that better fits with your life responsibilities and gives you more time with your family.
Knowing your resonance goals can open your eyes to your desired career trajectory, whether that’s straight up or a more circuitous route that balances other priorities.
Where you live, how you spend your leisure time, and what relationships you choose to invest in vs. detach from are all good places to immediately set resonance goals if you haven’t yet.
4. Stretch Goals
These are goals that force you out of your comfort zone and challenge your self-imposed limits on what you’re capable of.
You don’t have to sign up for the next Ironman to have valid stretch goals (although you should if that’s something you’re specifically interested in).
Your stretch goals just simply need to continually be moving you past your complacency.
This brings to mind a high school friend who was a talented singer and performer, but due to shyness, never auditioned for any plays even though it interested him.
Years later, as an adult and father, he packed up his family, moved to LA, began auditioning for parts, and is in the release stages for his feature film directorial debut.
Stretch goals allow you to reach for more than you imagine for yourself within your current circumstances.
Which is why they’re so important to leveling up into your highest potential.
Without incorporating some aspect of each of these types of goals, high achievers often feel stuck, burnt out, restless, and dissatisfied without knowing why.
And a lack of clarity regarding these goals can create a sense of disillusion with the success they’ve worked hard to create for themselves.
Living a full and fulfilled life for high achievers means building a multi-dimensional life that drives multi-directional growth so that they continue to build a bright future while feeling at ease and content in the present.
Stay fearless.
CC 💕
Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:
1. Sign up for my free mini-course for high achievers who are ready to go from surviving to thriving. This two-part course reveals the 3 secrets that high achievers who are ready to level up use to clear the hidden patterns keeping them in survival mode and build a life of joy, ease, and satisfaction.
2. Book a PEAK Launch Call to uncover your magic so you can live out your PEAK potential and crush your goals for your health, confidence, and success. The call is complimentary and full of value, so come ready for clarity and be prepared to take action on behalf of your best life yet.
Grab my free Mini Course for High Achievers ready to go from surviving to THRIVING!
Learn the step-by-step game plan to design your unique path to escaping survival mode and finding success in “thrival mode."